Covid-19: clinical trial involving the use of honey and Nigella Sativa L against SARS-CoV-2


Instagram Blocks #naturalimmunity Hashtag

It was reported that as of about 12 hours ago, Instagram has blocked the hashtag “natural immunity” over concerns of so called ‘misinformation’.

Facebook, the owner of Instagram, has however not removed the hashtag yet.

Prior to the ban, uses of #naturalimmunity coincided with notions relating to a scientific study conducted out of Israel. The paper concludes that “natural immunity confers longer-lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.”

However the study also highlights that “individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.”

Social media agencies are crying foul and saying that it was “counter intuitive to ban certain [hashtags] as it only provides further ammunition for the conspiracy theorists.” 

As many are saying, “Other than harmful, violent or hateful commentary, [banning hashtags is] damaging to our freedom of speech traditions and a very dangerous place if social media platforms start censoring views, conversations or opinions.”

A TMN and Doctor’s Lounge Initiative: Clinical Trial On Prophylactic Potential Of Honey And Nigella Sativa L Against SARS-CoV-2

Doctors from Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School-USA, Shaikh Zayed Post-Graduate Medical Institute-Pakistan, Riphah International, and the TMN’s Doctors Lounge Consortium involving numerous doctors and hospitals from Pakistan, USA, Chile, Bahrain, Canada, Saudi Arabia and Taiwan have already registred a clinical trial and have already started recruiting participants for a clinical trial involving the use of honey and Nigella Sativa L.

As part of a pre arrangement between TMM, all randomized clinical trials and research involving herbs and phytochemicals for use as prophylactics or as therapeutics for COVID-19 and also Long COVID, will always be covered by journals under the Springer Group as in this case.

Delta Plus and Other New Delta Sub-Variants With G142D and D950N Mutations Causing Vaccine Breakthrough Infections In Houton-Texas.

A new study has reported that Houston-Texas is facing a huge caseload of breakthrough infections among those that had been previously fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Many cases involved hospitalizations as the vaccines were found to not be able to prevent disease severity nor even mortality in most cases.

Genomic sequencings showed that majority of the breakthrough infections were caused by the Delta plus variant and also by new Delta sub-variants possessing G142D and D950N mutations on them.

Alarmingly a few cases of the Lambda and also Mu variants were found in Houston. Both these variants are also immune evasive and most cases involving their infections required hospitalization.

Despite High Vaccination Numbers, Israel Sees ‘Record’ COVID Wave
It was reported by local media that Israel continues to struggle under the weight of a crushing SARS-Cov-2 wave, reaching what one health official said is a “record” number of cases even as the country records some of the highest vaccination rates in the world.

Israel is recording “an average of 8,000 new infections each day, with occasional peaks over 10,000,” the Times of Israel reported this week.

The new infection rates represent “a record that did not exist in the previous waves,” Israeli Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash told the paper. 

The virus replication number had recently declined, he pointed out, before beginning to increase. “I hoped that we would see a clearer drop, but we are still not seeing it,” he said.

Coronaviruses, enveloped RNA viruses, are characterized by spikes on their surface and belong to Nidovirales order.1 They are responsible for a growing economic, social, and mortality burden in humans over the past decades. The spectrum of diseases associated with human coronaviruses range from the common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome, and Middle East respiratory syndrome.

Since December 2019, a newly discovered severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has been the causative agent of the current pandemic of infectious disease called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Unfortunately, there are no effective approved antiviral agents for these coronavirus strains.2,3

Natural products provide a wealth of biologically active molecules with antiviral activity, and thus may have utility as potential therapeutic agents against coronavirus infections.4 Among these products is Nigella sativa, which has displayed several antiviral properties.5

N sativa is a well-known food supplement and medicinal plant in different cultures. The seeds of N sativa contain several active compounds in the classes of fixed oil, essential oil, saponins, and alkaloids. In the literature, N sativa exhibited several pharmacological properties including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and immunostimulatory activities.5,6

The safety and efficacy of N sativa used for many human diseases has been established in several randomized clinical studies.7 We also used N sativa oil in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial on asthmatic patients with acceptable safety and efficacy profile.8

Moreover, several meta-analyses have confirmed the beneficial effects and safety of N sativa on hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and asthma.9, 10, 11, 12, 13 In a clinical study, Oral N sativa oil dosing of up to 5 g daily for up to 12 weeks is believed to be safe.14

In in vitro studies, the antiviral activities of N sativa on different viruses were documented in the literature.5 N sativa oil suppresses the viral load of murine cytomegalovirus in infected mice to an undetectable level.15 N sativa honey was found to inhibit HIV-1 replication.16 N sativa had virucidal activity against herpes simplex and hepatitis A virus infections.16

N sativa decreased the coronavirus load in infected HeLa cells with stimulated interleukin 8 secretion and downregulation of transient receptor potential (TRP) genes expression such as TRPM6, TRPA1, TRPC4, and TRPM7.17 Hepatitis C virus replication was inhibited by N sativa.18 N sativa inhibited the growth of influenza virus H5N1 in vitro.19

In a human clinical study, patients with hepatitis C virus infection showed significant improvement in hepatitis C virus viral load after 3 months of N sativa treatment.20 A case report of treatment with N sativa for 6 months showed a sustained seroreversion in a 46-year-old HIV patient and was also reported in an additional 6 HIV cases.21,22

In recent years, in silico molecular docking studies on natural products enable computational screening approaches for assessing their therapeutic potential.

These studies utilize bioinformatics techniques and can be used to discover how candidate drugs cause therapeutic activity by predicting interactions between drugs and proteins, and analysis of influence on biological pathways and functions.23

The aim of this mini literature review was to explore any publication or preprint on in silico studies of the specific anticoronavirus potential of N sativa.

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