Monthly Archives: Agosto 2022
Neurological and psychiatric risk trajectories after two years from SARS-CoV-2 infection
A new study by researchers from Oxford University covering more than 1,284 437 Post COVID-19 patients showed that many displayed a variety of neurological...
Researchers have developed a method to identify which human gut microbes activate immune cells
Cedars-Sinai investigators have developed a method to help identify which human gut microbes are most likely to contribute to a slew of inflammatory diseases...
Modern pesticides damage the nervous system of honeybees
The challenge to let people walk back and forth in a straight line isn’t just used by police to test if drivers are intoxicated:...
Il “principio dell’energia libera” afferma che ogni essere vivente riduce al minimo l’energia libera
All'inizio degli anni '90, il neuroscienziato britannico Karl Friston stava studiando attentamente le scansioni cerebrali. Le scansioni hanno prodotto terabyte di output digitale e Friston ha dovuto...
The “free energy principle” states that every living thing minimizes free energy
In the early 1990s, British neuroscientist Karl Friston was poring over brain scans. The scans produced terabytes of digital output, and Friston had to find new...
Scoperte infezioni asintomatiche da Monkeypox tra gli uomini che visitano la più grande clinica...
I tamponi anorettali e orofaringei raccolti per lo screening di gonorrea/clamidia dal 1 maggio al 31 maggio 2022 sono stati testati retrospettivamente mediante una...
Discovered Asymptomatic monkeypox virus infections among men visiting the largest sexually transmitted infection (STI)...
Anorectal and oropharyngeal swabs collected for gonorrhoea/chlamydia screening from May 1 until May 31, 2022 were retrospectively tested by a monkeypox-specific PCR. Cases with...
Many Long COVID-19 Patients Have Higher Levels Of Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Viral RNA Compared To...
A new study by researchers from the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at University of Kansas-USA has revealed that many Long COVID-19...
Abnormalities in the SOD1 protein are a common factor in all types of motor...
Researchers have found an abnormal protein usually linked to a rare inherited form of motor neuron disease is present in all types of motor...
Intermittent Fasting Prevents Risk Of COVID-19 Disease Severity
A new study by American researchers from Intermountain Medical Center-Utah, Stanford University-California, University of Utah, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions-Utah and University of...
Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation And Low Cortisol Levels Are Common In Many Long COVID Patients
A new Long COVID study lead by Yale Immunology Professor Dr Akiko Iwasaki, PhD that involved 215 individuals from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City...
Vitamin D supplementation may help to alleviate symptoms of depression
An extensive meta-analysis suggests that vitamin D supplementation may alleviate depressive symptoms in adults with depression. Conducted by an international team of researchers, the...
Sexual Dysfunction – Hair Loss Are Joining Fatigue And Brain Fog As Leading Long...
A new study lead by researchers from the University of Birmingham-UK has found that sexual dysfunction and hair loss is joining fatigue and brain...
Genetic variations of UTS2R gene can be a potential risk factor for Cardiovascular (CV)...
New study by Japanese researchers from Tohoku University, Kyushu University, Okayama University and the National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Okazaki-Japan has alarmingly found that...
Betamethasone could be used to reduce unwanted side effects of radiation treatments for prostate...
A new study published by University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center researchers suggests that the common steroid betamethasone could be used to reduce unwanted...