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Monthly Archives: Giugno 2022

Sustainable circular economy: turns mixed waste into premium plastics with no climate impact

Only a fraction of the material that could be turned into new plastic is currently recycled. Researchers at Chalmers have now demonstrated how the carbon atoms in mixed waste can replace all fossil raw...

Long-Term Anti-Anxiety Drug Use Affects the Brain

ANSTO health researchers have contributed to an international study published in Nature Neuroscience that sheds light on the mechanism by which anti-anxiety drugs act on the brain which could lead to cognitive impairment in...

Creativity is linked to two different semantic memory processes

Coming up with a creative idea requires us to draw on all our previous knowledge. But how does this happen in our mind and in our brain? Emmanuelle Volle’s group (Inserm) at the Frontlab of...

SARS-CoV-2 Can Be Transmitted By Winds

A new study by researchers from the University of Edinburgh-UK has found evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can also be transmitted by winds. The study findings were published on a preprint server: Research Square, and...

No More Binge Eating: AgRP neurons stimulates food intake

A group of researchers has developed an entirely novel approach to treating eating disorders. The scientists showed that a group of nerve cells in the hypothalamus (so-called AgRP, agouti-related peptide neurons) control the release of...

I lunghi sintomi debilitanti del COVID sono correlati ad anomalie microscopiche che influenzano il...

Molti di coloro che sperimentano quello che ora viene chiamato "covid lungo" riferiscono di sentirsi annebbiati nel cervello, senza fiato, affaticati e limitati nel fare le cose di tutti i giorni, che spesso durano...

Long COVID debilitating symptoms are related to microscopic abnormalities that affect how oxygen is...

Many who experience what is now called "long COVID" report feeling brain fog, breathless, fatigued and limited in doing everyday things, often lasting weeks and months post-infection. Using functional MRI with inhaled xenon gas,...

SARS-CoV-2 Causes Epigenetic Changes To Various Genes In Human Host

A new study by researchers from Linköping University-Sweden has alarmingly discovered that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus causes epigenetic changes to a variety of human host genes and that these changes persist way after a person...

Mangiare una percentuale maggiore di proteine ​​durante la dieta porta a scelte alimentari migliori...

Secondo uno studio di Rutgers, mangiare una percentuale maggiore di proteine ​​durante la dieta porta a scelte alimentari migliori e aiuta a evitare la perdita di massa corporea magra. Un'analisi dei dati aggregati di più...

Eating a larger proportion of protein while dieting leads to better food choices and...

Eating a larger proportion of protein while dieting leads to better food choices and helps avoid the loss of lean body mass, according to a Rutgers study. An analysis of pooled data from multiple weight-loss...

Thymus gland educates nascent immune cells by exposing them to proteins made by thymus...

The human immune system is a nearly perfect defense mechanism. It protects the body from disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. It detects nascent tumors and eradicates them. It cleans up cellular debris at...

Hidden hearing loss in human ears

Researchers from Mass Eye and Ear have developed a word-score model capable of estimating the amount of hidden hearing loss in human ears. In a new study published June 23 in Scientific Reports, a team...

Young teens who are targets of cyberbullying are more likely to attempt suicide

Young adolescents who are targets of cyberbullying are more likely to report suicidal thoughts and attempts, an association that goes above and beyond the link between suicidality and traditional offline bullying, according to new...

SARS-CoV-2 shortens the lifespan

A new study by researchers in the field of molecular biology, genetics and oncology from the Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale de la Cellule (BIOC), CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique- France has found that the NSP2 proteins...

Tosse persistente post Omicron

Negli ultimi mesi è stato osservato un nuovo fenomeno: la tosse post covid persistente.Proviamo a chiarirne le origini. La pandemia di COVID-19, causata dal nuovo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, ha avuto un effetto senza precedenti sulla salute...