Monthly Archives: Febbraio 2023
Erythritol sweetener increase risk of heart attack and stroke
New Cleveland Clinic research showed that erythritol, a popular artificial sweetener, is associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Findings were published in Nature Medicine.
Erythritol-Naturally Occurring and Endogenously Produced
Erythritol is approximately 70%...
La terapia cellulare cardiaca con MPC può avere un beneficio significativo sulla storia naturale...
I medici-scienziati del Texas Heart Institute hanno annunciato oggi i risultati del più grande studio di terapia cellulare fino ad oggi nei pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca cronica dovuta a bassa frazione di eiezione.
La terapia...
The cardiac cell therapy using MPCs may have a significant benefit on the natural...
Physician-scientists at The Texas Heart Institute announced today the results of the largest cell therapy trial to date in patients with chronic heart failure due to low ejection fraction.
The therapy benefited patients by...
Researchers have developed a high throughput Static Droplet Microfluidic (SDM) device to detect Circulating...
Researchers from the University of Technology Sydney have developed a new device that can detect and analyze cancer cells from blood samples, enabling doctors to avoid invasive biopsy surgeries, and to monitor treatment progress.
L’infezione da COVID-19 aumenta il rischio di sviluppare sintomi nuovi o in peggioramento della...
Un nuovo studio condotto da ricercatori del Dipartimento di Urologia, William Beaumont School of Medicine dell'Università di Oakland, Beaumont Hospital-Royal Oak, Michigan-USA ha scoperto che le persone con precedenti infezioni da SARS-CoV-2 tendono a...
COVID-19 infection increases the risk of developing new or worsening Overactive Bladder symptoms
A new study by researchers from the Department of Urology, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, Beaumont Hospital-Royal Oak, Michigan-USA has found that individuals with prior SARS-CoV-2 infections tend to develop incidence of...
Le sostanze psichedeliche inducono neuroplasticità ?
L'obiettivo di questa recensione è rispondere a domande specifiche sugli effetti degli psichedelici sulla neuroplasticità.
Gli allucinogeni serotoninergici, noti anche come psichedelici, sono una classe di composti che esercitano profondi effetti sul cervello tramite i...
Do psychedelic substances induce neuroplasticity ?
The focus of this review is on answering specific questions about the effects of psychedelics on neuroplasticity.
Serotonergic hallucinogens, also known as psychedelics, are a class of compounds that exert profound effects on the brain...
COVID-19 may have an indirect impact on cervical dysplasia
COVID-19 can indirectly impacts cervical dysplasia due to a preoccupied and exhausted immune system.
Consequently, immune pressure on cervical tissue under SARS-CoV-2-infection is reduced because the main focus of immune defense is elsewhere. This...
SARS-CoV-2 Infections Can Cause Cholinergic Deficiency
Researchers from Maikop State Technological University, Republic of Adygeya-Russia and Adyghe State University-Russia in a new study have discovered that SARS-CoV-2 infections can cause disruptions in the signaling of the acetylcholine system (AChS) in...
COVID-19: l’importanza dell’integrazione di selenio e glutatione per prevenire la gravità della malattia
L'ultima ricerca SARS-CoV-2 condotta dallo scienziato del Dipartimento di Chimica e Biochimica dell'Università della Carolina del Nord Greensboro-USA ha scoperto che la proteasi principale SARS-CoV-2 (Mpro) prende di mira le selenoproteine dell'ospite umano e...
COVID-19: the importance of selenium and glutathione supplementation in order to prevent disease severity
Latest SARS-CoV-2 research conducted by scientist from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of North Carolina Greensboro-USA has discovered that the SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro) targets the human host selenoproteins and glutathione...
I ricercatori hanno sviluppato una nuova tecnologia brevettata, chiamata Unlokt, che sblocca la capacità...
Il corpo umano fa fatica ad assorbire la cannabis perché non è solubile in acqua.
I ricercatori in Israele hanno trovato un modo per aggirare il problema. Inducono il corpo a pensare che la cannabis sia...
Researchers have developed a new patented technology, called Unlokt, that unlocks the body’s ability...
The human body struggles to absorb cannabis because it isn’t water-soluble.
Researchers in Israel have found a way around the problem. They trick the body into thinking the cannabis is food – by binding it to...
L’infezione da COVID-19 e i vaccini possono riattivare gli Herpesviridae
innescano la riattivazione di tutti i tipi di virus Herpesviridae.
Herpesvirus umani (HHV), che includono Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) di tipo 1 (HSV-1) e 2 (HSV-2), Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ,...