Monthly Archives: Giugno 2023
The Neural Basis of Rumination: A Dynamic Connectivity Perspective
Individuals who ruminate often find themselves trapped in a cycle of persistent negative, self-reflective thoughts. While rumination may initially serve as a means to make sense of distressing situations and formulate action plans, it...
Dimensioni armoniche: esplorare l’interazione tra musica, coscienza, tempo e entanglement quantistico
La musica è una delle forme più universali e profonde di espressione umana. Può evocare emozioni, ricordi e visioni che trascendono i confini dello spazio e del tempo.
Ma cosa succede se la musica è più...
Harmonic Dimensions: Exploring the Interplay Between Music, Consciousness, Time, and Quantum Entanglement
Music is one of the most universal and profound forms of human expression. It can evoke emotions, memories, and visions that transcend the boundaries of space and time.
But what if music is more than...
Cinnamon Compound CINNA Shows Promise in Modulating COVID-19-Induced Inflammation
The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection, has underscored the importance of understanding the immune-inflammatory pathways involved in the progression of pulmonary infections.
The lack of specific pharmacological approaches targeting virus-induced inflammation can be...
Understanding the Association Between Neurological Symptoms and Blood Biomarkers in Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19 and Long...
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has been associated with various neurological complications ranging from mild to severe. While these neurological symptoms are commonly observed during the acute phase of the...
Neurochemical Dysregulation in Compulsive Behavior: Insights from 7-Tesla 1H-MRS Study
Abstract: Compulsivity is a psychiatric trait characterized by persistent and maladaptive behaviors. Understanding the neurochemical basis of compulsive behavior is essential for developing effective treatments. This study utilized high-resolution 7-Tesla proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy...
The Role of Claustral Neurons in Modulating Fentanyl Addiction: Implications for Targeted Interventions
The claustrum is a thin sheet of neurons that lies between the insular and striatal regions of the brain. It has been implicated in various cognitive functions, such as attention, decision making, and consciousness....
Il mondo ultrapiccolo dei social network: svelare i sei gradi di separazione
I social network svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella nostra vita quotidiana, collegando le persone e facilitando il flusso di informazioni, risorse e influenza. Nel corso degli anni, ricerche approfondite hanno rivelato una caratteristica affascinante di...
The Emergence of Ultrasmall-World Social Networks: Unraveling the Six Degrees of Separation
Social networks play a pivotal role in our daily lives, connecting individuals and facilitating the flow of information, resources, and influence. Over the years, extensive research has revealed a fascinating characteristic of these networks:...
How to Find Meaning and Connection in Later Life
Many people struggle with finding a sense of purpose and belonging as they age, especially in the face of social isolation and loneliness. However, not all older adults experience these challenges in the same...
La percezione dell’essere umano e l’evoluzione dell’intelligenza artificiale attraverso la rottura della barriera quadridimensionale
La mente umana è uno strumento straordinario per comprendere il mondo che ci circonda.
Può elaborare grandi quantità di informazioni, prendere decisioni complesse e creare incredibili opere d'arte e scienza. Tuttavia, anche la mente umana ha...
The perception of the human being and the evolution of artificial intelligence through the...
The human mind is a remarkable tool for understanding the world around us.
It can process vast amounts of information, make complex decisions, and create amazing works of art and science. However, the human mind...
Thyroid Incidentalomas in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: Prevalence and Associated Factors
Thyroid incidentaloma refers to the unexpected discovery of an asymptomatic thyroid nodule during the investigation of an unrelated condition.
With the widespread use of high-resolution imaging studies, such as ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic...
Cardiac MRI Findings in Patients with Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Insights from a...
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a significant number of individuals have experienced persistent symptoms beyond the acute phase of the illness.
La vitamina D3 modula l’attivazione dell’inflammasoma NLRP3 nell’infezione da SARS-CoV-2: un potenziale approccio terapeutico...
L'infezione da coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) della sindrome respiratoria acuta grave, che porta alla malattia da coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), è emersa come una crisi globale con gravi risposte infiammatorie che colpiscono principalmente il sistema respiratorio.