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Monthly Archives: Agosto 2022

Testosterone can promote social affection and prosocial behaviors in males

Testosterone can foster friendly, prosocial behavior in males, a new animal study finds. The Proceedings of the Royal Society B published the research on...

SARS-CoV-2 Infects The Astrocytes Of The Human Brain Using NRP1 Receptors – Causing Damage

A new study by researchers from Institute of Biology at the University of Campinas-Brazil has provided alarming evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infects astrocytes...

German Study Shows Persistent Capillary Rarefication Even 18 Months After COVID-19 Infection

A new study by German researchers from University Hospital Münster has alarmingly found that that SARS-CoV-2 virus leaves a persistent capillary rarefication (a reduction...

Terazosin è un promettente trattamento per la SLA

Secondo un nuovo studio, un farmaco tipicamente usato per trattare la prostata ingrossata e l'ipertensione si è mostrato promettente come una nuova potenziale terapia...

Terazosin shows promise as a treatment for ALS

A drug typically used to treat enlarged prostates and high blood pressure has shown promise as a potential new therapy for motor neuron disease...

US CDC Reports High Incidences Of Kidney Failure, Clots, Diabetes And Heart Issues In...

 Parents need to spend extra vigilance on the health and developing conditions on their children who have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus as...

COVID-19: nonhospitalized youth may also experience persistent COVID symptoms

A new study by researchers from The University of Texas (UT) Health Science Center at Houston-USA has found that children who contracted mild COVID-19...

First Documented Long COVID Case Study Involving Impaired Secretion of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Due To...

SARS-CoV-2 infections can also cause a variety of disruptions or dysregulation of the endocrine system causing the impairment of various hormones critical for life...

Structural or functional abnormalities within the heart’s left atrium may increase a person’s risk...

Structural or functional abnormalities within the heart's left atrium, with or without symptoms, may increase a person's risk of developing dementia later in life...

La capacità di un essere umano di interpretare le grida di un bambino che...

Prima che i bambini imparino a parlare, il pianto è il loro unico mezzo di comunicazione vocale. Ma gli adulti sanno quando un bambino sta...

A human’s ability to interpret the cries of a baby in pain isn’t innate...

Before young children learn to speak, crying is their only means of vocal communication. But do adults know when a baby is in pain...

Mothers who suffer from personality disorders impact their teenage children’s attachment styles

It should come as no great surprise that mothers have a profound influence on their children. But what about mothers who have their own...

Fatigue and headaches top the list of common lingering symptoms four months after COVID...

Fatigue and headache were the most common symptoms reported by individuals an average of more than four months out from having COVID-19, investigators report. Muscle...

Circadian rhythm disruption plays a critical role in weight gain

Disruption of the circadian clocks that keep the body and its cells entrained to the 24-hour day-night cycle plays a critical role in weight...

SARS-CoV-2 Spike mutation P272L emerged and transmitted in several viral lineages

A new study by researchers from Cardiff University School of Medicine-UK has found that the SARS-CoV-2 spike mutation P272L emerged to basically evade killer...